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    Titanic 5  スクリプト

    <Cal たちが駆けつける>

    (Care for a brandy?)

    (This is) completely unacceptable.             
    What made you think that you could put your      
    hands on my fiancee?
    Look at me, you filth!                     
    What did you think you were doing?!

    Cal, stop!         
    It was an accident.   
    An accident?!      

    It was.                               
    Stupid really.                          
    I was leaning over and I slipped.               

    I was leaning far over to see the... uh... uh.. uh..     
    ..the uh..                             
    Propellers and I slipped.                    

    And I would have gone overboard.              
    But Mr. Dawson here save me and he almost        
    went over himself.                       

    You wanted to see, she wanted to see the propellers.  
    Like I said women and machinery do not mix.       

    Was that the way of it?                     
    Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty much it.            

    Well! The boy's a hero then.                 
    Good for you son. Well done!
    So it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh?        
    Look at you.                           
    You must be freezing.

    Ah.. perhaps a little something for the boy?       
    Of course.                             
    Mr. Lovejoy. I think a twenty should do it.        

    Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?  

    Rose is displeased.      
    What to do?          
    I know.

    Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow       
    evening to regale our group with your heroic tale?    

    Sure. Count me in.      
    Good. Settled then.      
    This should be interesting. 

       Can I, uh, bum a smoke?   

    You'll want to tie those.                      
    It's interesting that the young lady slipped so suddenly   
    and you still had time to remove your jacket          
    and your shoes.                            


    I know you've been melancholy.                
    I don't pretend to know why.                  
    I intended to save this until engagement gala        
    next week.                             
    But I thought tonight.                      

    Good gracious. 

    Perhaps as a reminder of my feeling for you.        
    Is it a ...?
    Diamond. Yes.  

    56 carats to be exact.                     
    It was worn by Louis the 16(XVI) and they called    
    it "Le coeur de la mer."                    
    The Heart of The Ocean                  

    It's overwhelming.     
    Well, it's for royalty.    
    We are royalty, Rose.   

    You know, there's nothing I couldn't give you.    
    There's nothing I'd deny you.               
    If you would not deny me.                 
    Now open your heart to me, Rose.            


    Well, I've been on my own since I was 15,      
    since my folks died.
    And I had no brothers or sisters or close kin in                    
    that part of the country.
    So I lit on out of there and I haven't been back   
    You could just call me a tumbleweed blowin'     
    in the wind.

    Well, Rose.   
    We've walked about a mile around this boat deck.  
    And chewed over how great the weather's been,   
    and how I grew up.
    But I reckon that's not why you came to talk     
    to me, is it?

    Mr. Dawson, I--  

    Jack. I want to thank you for what you did.       
    Not just for...for pulling me back.             
    But for your discretion.                  
    You're welcome.                      

    Look, I know what you must be thinking!         
    Poor little rich girl.                      
    What does she know about misery?            

    No. No.                             
    That's not what I was thinking.               
    What I was thinking was what could have         
    happened to this girl to make her think         
    she had no way out.

    Well, I... It was everything.                 
    It was my whole world and all the people in it.      
    And the inertia in my life, plunging ahead and      
    me powerless to stop it.                  

     God! Look at that thing!            
    You would have gone straight to the bottom.     

    500 invitations have gone out.              
    All of Philadelphia society will be there.        
    And all the while I feel I'm ... standing in the     
    middle of a crowded room, screaming at the      
    top of my lungs and no one even looks up!      

    Do you love him?        
    Pardon me?           
    Do you love him?        
    You're being very rude.       
    You shouldn't be asking me this.

    Well, it's a simple question.       
    Do you love the guy or not?       
    This is not a suitable conversation.   

    Why can't you just answer the question?       

    This is absurd.                        
    You don't know me and I don't know you.       
    And we are not having this conversation at all!   

    You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous.    
    And I am leaving now.                   

    Jack. Mister Dawson.                    
    It's been a pleasure.
    I sought you out to thank you and now I have     
    thanked you.

    And you've insulted me.     
    Well...you deserved it.      

    I thought you were leaving.   
    I am!                 
    You are so annoying!       

    I don't have to leave.                     
    This is my part of the ship. You leave!          

    Oh, ho, ho, ho. Well, well, well.
    Now who's being rude?                   

    What is this stupid thing you're carrying around?   


    So what are you, an artist or something?         
    Well, these are rather good.                 
    They're, uh, they're very good actually.         

    Jack. This is exquisite work.                
    Uh, they didn't think too much of them in old Paree. 
    Well, well... Paris.                       
    You do get around for a poo...                
    ...well, uh, uh, a person of limited means.        

    Go on. A poor guy. You can say it.            

           Well, well, well!               
                 And these were drawn from life?    

    Well. That's one of the good things about Paris.    
    Lots of girls willing to take their clothes off.     

    You liked this woman.                       
    You used her several times.                 
    Well. She had beautiful hands, you see?         
    I think you must have had a love affair with her.    

    No, no, no, no, no.
    Just with her hands.           
    She was a one legged prostitute.   

    Ah, she had a great sense of humor, though.      

    Oh, an' this lady.                        
    I call her Madame Bijou.                    
    She used to sit at this bar every night,          
    wearing every piece of jewelry she owned, just      
    waiting for her long lost love.
    Called her Madame Bi Jou.                  

    See how her clothes are moth-eaten?          

    Well, you have a gift, Jack.     
    You do. You see people.      

    I see you.               
    You wouldn't have jumped.    

   <Tea time>

    ...but the purpose of University is to find a        
    suitable husband.
    Rose has already done that.                

    Look. Here comes that vulgar Brown woman.      
    Quickly, get up before she sits with us.         

    Hello girls.
    I was hoping I'd catch you at tea.             
    We're awfully sorry you missed it.             
    The Countess and I were just off to take the      
    air on the boat deck.

    What a lovely idea. I need to catch up on my      


    So you've not yet lit the last four boilers?       
    No, I don't see the need.                  
    We are making excellent time.              

    The press knows the size of Titanic.           
    Now I want them to marvel at her speed.         
    We must give them something new to print.       
    This maiden voyage of Titanic must make        

    Mr. Ismay.                           
    I would prefer not to push the engines until       
    they've been properly run in.               

    Of course. I'm just a passenger.              
    I leave it to your good offices to decide what's     
    But what a glorious end to your final crossing.     
    If we would to get into New York on Tuesday       
    night and surprise them all.

    Make the morning papers.
    Retire with a bang, eh, E.J?                
    Good Man.                           


    Well, after that, I worked on a squid boat in Monterey.  
    Then I went down to Los Angeles to the pier in       
    Santa Monica,
    and started doing portraits there for ten cents       

    Why can't I be like you, Jack?                  
    Just head out for the horizon whenever            
    I feel like it.                             

    Say we'll go there sometime to that pier.          
    Even if we only ever just talk about it.

    No, we'll do it.
    We'll drink cheap beer.                      
    We'll ride on the roller coaster till we throw up.      

    Then we'll ride horses on the beach right in the surf.  
    Now, but you'll have to do (it) like a real cowboy.     
    None of that side-saddle stuff.                

    You mean ....one leg on each side?              
    Can you show me?          
    Sure. If you like.           

    Teach me to ride like a man.    
    And chew tobacco like a man.   
    And spit like a man.          

    Well, they didn't teach you that in finishing school?    
    Well, come on. I'll show you.                   
    Let's do it.

    I'll show you how.           
    Come on.
    No! Jack, no. Jack, no.        
    Come on.

    Wait, Jack.               
    No, Jack.                
    Come on.
    I couldn't possibly, Jack.       

    Watch closely.             
    Uh, that's disgusting!         
    All right, your turn.           

    That was pitiful.                         
    Come on, you really got to hawk it back, you know?  
    Get some leverage to it.
    Use your arms, arc your neck.

    You see the range on that thing?              

    Uh, that was better.        
    You got to work on it.
    Really try and hawk it up.                   
    And get some body to it, you know.

    May I introduce Jack Dawson.
    Charmed, I'm sure.                      


    The others were gracious and curious about    
    the man who had saved my life.            
    But my mother looked at him like an insect.    
    A dangerous insect which must be squashed   

    Well, Jack.
    It sounds like you're a good man to have around  
    in a sticky spot.

    Why do they always insist on announcing dinner   
    like a damn cavalry charge?               

    Shall we go dress, mother?    
    See you at dinner, Jack.     

    Uh, son. Son.                        
    Do you have the slightest comprehension      
    (of) what you're doing?
    Not really.       

    Well, you're about to go into the snake pit.      
    What are you planning to wear?            

    I figured. Come on.   

    I was right.                         
    You and my son are just about the same size.   
    Pretty close.                       
    You shine up like a new penny.             


