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    Titanic 1 スクリプト

    A さんの練習方法



    13 meters.                      
    You should see it. 
    OK. Take her up and over the bow rail.     
    OK. Quiet. We're rolling.              


    Seeing her coming out of the darkness     
    like a ghost ship                   
    still gets me every time... to see the sad    
    ruin of the great ship sitting here,        

    where she landed at 2:30 in the morning,    
    on April 15, 1912,                  
    after her long fall ...                  
    from the world above.                
    You are so full of shit, boss.            

    Dive six.                        
    Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.   
    Two and a half miles down.             
    3,821 meters.                         

    The pressure outside is 3 and half tons per   
    square inch.                       
    These windows are 9 inches thick and if              
    they go, it's sayonara in 2 microseconds.    

    All right. Enough of that bullshit.         


    Just put it down on the roof of the officer's   
    quarters like yesterday.  


    All right. Tether out.            
    Tether out.                  

    OK. Lewis, drive down to the D deck.  
    OK. A deck.                  

    B deck.                          
    Get in there. Get in there.             

    That's the doorframe. That's the doorframe.  
    Watch it. Watch it.
    I see it. I got it.                    

    We're good. We're good.               
    Just chill, boss.

    OK. OK. Make your turn.              
    (Come around.)
    Make your turn. Make your turn
    Watch the wall.                    

    Yeah, Brock, We're at the piano.          
    You copy?                       
    OK, copy that.                    

    OK. Right there. Right there. Right there.   
    OK. That's it. That's it. That's it.
    That's the bedroom door.             

    I see it. I see it.                   

    We're in. We're in, baby.              
    We're there.                     

    That's Hockley's bed.                
    That's where the son of a bitch slept.     

    Oops, somebody left water running.       

    Yeah. Hold it. Hold it just a second.        
    Come back to the right.               

    That wardrobe door. Get closer.          

    You're smelling something, boss?         
    Now let's see what's under it.            

    Give me my hands, man.              
    All right.                        

    Take it easy. It might come apart.         

    Go, go, go. Flip it over. Flip it over. Go.      
    Turn it over.
    Keep going. Go, go, go.                

    OK. Drop it.                      

    Oh, baby, baby. Are you seeing this, boss?    
    It's payday, boys.                   



    That's it.          
    You did it. Bobby.     

    Who's the best, baby?  
    Say it.            
    Say it. Say it.       

    You are, Lewis.      

    Bobby, my cigar.      
    Here. Right here.

    OK. Crack her open.   



    No diamond?        

    You know, boss.                  
    The same thing happened to Geraldo and   
    his career never recovered.           

    Turn the camera off.              



      A さん の 練習方法


    . まず回聞く。

    . スクリプトを見ながら聞く。自分の聞いたものと

    . 「ついていけないー!」と思ったら、もう一度イン

    . スクリプトを見ながら聞く。ダメならへ。

    . 最後に画面を見ながら聞く。次へ。


                  / タイタニック・もくじ /
