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    Titanic 1 大西洋海底 (5)


    We're good. We're good.
    Just chill, boss.

       Just は Jst の感じ。
       chill の は鼻に響くので「オ」に近い音。

    OK. OK. Make your turn.
    (Come around.)
    Make your turn. Make your turn
    Watch the wall.

       turn の ur は her の er と同じ音。

    Yeah, Brock, uh, we're at the piano. You copy?
    OK, copy that.

       copy の o は開く音。

    OK. Right there. Right there. Right there.

    OK. That's it. That's it. That's it.
    That's the bedroom door.

    I see it. I see it.

    We're in. We're in, baby.
    We're there.

        ヒゲのオペレーターの i, r はカタカナでは聞き取れない。
        短母音の をマスターしておこう。

    That's Hockley's bed.
    That's where the son of a bitch slept.

        That's where は非常に聞き取りにくい。


                        ■ リスニング・トレーニングは
                       1つひとつの音を発音できること を前提としています。
